Friday, November 7, 2008

IIT JEE Mathematics Study Guide 12. Determinants

12.1 Definition
12.2 Singular matrix
12.3 Minors and cofactors
12.4 Properties of determinants
12.5 Evaluation of determinants
12.6 Evaluation of determinants by using factor theorem
12.7 Product of determinants
12.8 Differentiation of determinants
12.9 Applications of determinants to coordinate geometry
12.10 Applications of determinants in solving a system of linear equations

Study Plan

Day 1

12.1 Definition
There are three examples in this section
12.2 Singular matrix
12.3 Minors and cofactors

Day 2

12.4 properties of determinants
12.5 Evaluation of Determinants

Day 3

Do all the 19 example problems

Day 4

Study sections

12.6 Evaluation of Determinants using Factor Theorem
2 examples

12.7 Product of determinants
5 examples

Day 5

Do illustrative obj type examples 1 to 20

Day 6

12.8 Differentiation of determinants
12.9 Applications of determinants to coordinate geometry

Day 7
12.10 Applications of determinants in solving a system of linear equations

Day 8
I.O.T.E. 21 to 28
Objective Type Exercises 1 to 10

Day 9
O.T.E. 11 to 30

Day 10
O.T.E. 331 to 50

Day 11
O.T.E. 51 to 72

Day 11
Fill in the blansk 1 to 24

Day 12
True or false 6

Day 13 to 30
Revision Concepts and test paper problems

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