Sunday, January 17, 2016

24. Increasing and Decreasing Functions - Study Plan

Sections in the Chapter

1 Increasing and Decreasing Functions - Definitions

2 Necessary and sufficient conditions for monotonicity of functions

3 Properties of monotonic functions

Study Plan

Day 1

1 Increasing and Decreasing Functions - Definitions

2 Necessary and sufficient conditions for monotonicity of functions

3 Properties of monotonic functions

Day 2

Illustrative Objective Type Examples: 1 to 15

Day 3

Objective Type Exercise: 1 to 20

Day 4
O.T.E.: 21 to 38

Day 5 Fill in the blanks type exercise 1 to 8
Practice Exercise 1 to 20

Revision period

Day 6
Concept review

Day 7
Formula review

Day 8
Difficult problem review

Day 9 and 10
Test paper problems

Revision Facilitator

Try to recollect relevant points on the topic.

If required right click on the topic and click on open in a new window to read the relevant material.

Close the window and come back.

Increasing and Decreasing Functions - Definitions

Necessary and sufficient conditions for monotonicity of functions

Properties of monotonic functions


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