Saturday, June 7, 2008

Logarithms - Basic points

Let a,b be two positive real numbers and a≠1. The real number x such that ax = b is called logarithm of b to the base a.

X = logab


1. If a is a positive number and a≠1 then logaa = 1.

2. If a is a positive number and a≠1 then loga1 = 0

3. If a,m are positive real numbers, a≠1 then a to the power logam = m.

4. If a,m,n are positive real numbers and a≠1 then logamn = logam + logan

5. If a,m,n are positive real numbers and a≠1 then logam/n = logam - logan

6. If a,m,n are positive real numbers and a≠1 then logamn = nlogam

7. If a,b,n are positive real numbers and a≠1, b≠1 then logam = logbm* logab

8. If a>1, then x>y => logax > logay

9. If 0y => logax < logay

e = 1+1/1! +1/2! + 1/3! + ¼! + …∞

e = lim n →∞ (1+(1/n)) n

If an = x, the logax = n.

Log (1=x) when |x|<1 = x-x²/2 +x³/3 - x4/4+…∞

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